Parent Child 

Sunday, June 16  Saddleback Ridge Golf Course 

A great time was had by all on June 16th at Saddleback. Be sure to sign up next year for this terrific family event.

See Results and pictures below!

8 and under

Barry and Brook A'Hearn -46 - Won Score Card playoff - $120

Aaron and Jaxson Lynch - 46 - $80


Randy and Ryder Laing - 76 - $120

Luke and Rylie Greazel - 80 - $80

Nicole and Tyler Greazel - 86 

Bryant and Caide Nicholson - 105


Cheesy and James Frantz - 81 - $140

Bryan and Austin Heinsius - 83 - $85

Leon and Casey Noska - 91 - $55

Larry and Same Noska - 103

Mick Bowers and Chris Bland - NC

Nicole and Tyler Greazel

Bryant and Caide Nickolson

Mick Bower and Chad Bland

Larry and Sam Noska

Randy and Ryder Lainge

Luke and Rylie Greazel

Aaron and Jaxson Lynch

Leon and Casey Noska

Barry and Brooks Ahern

Bryan and Austin Heinsius

Brad and James Frantz

Greazel Family



In addition to the current USGA Rules of Golf, the following local rules will govern all play.

1. SCORE CARDS: Keep individual scorecards (one scorecard per team). Exchange scorecards with your opponent.


Adults will tee off on the odd holes. Children will tee off on the even holes.

8 & under division-Child red tees, Adult male white tees, Adult ladies red tees.

9-13 division-Child red tees, Adult male white tees, Adult ladies red tees.

14-18 division- Child and Adult male white tees, Child & Adult ladies red tees.

Adult division-Male white tees, Ladies red tees.

Senior male players over 65 gold tees.

3. We will be playing “winter rules” everywhere: you may move the ball 1 club length no nearer the hole, if ball is in the rough it must stay in the rough, if ball is off the green it must stay off the green.

8 & under players will be allowed to tee the ball everywhere, whiffs will not be counted unless the ball is advanced and there will be a 3 putt limit.

4. PENALTY AREA: All Penalty Areas are lateral except hole #2, # 9 and # 12, where there will be a drop area on each hole. # 2 is across the cart path short of the fairway, #9 is located near the red tee markers. #12 drop area is approximately 30 yards. in front of red tee markers.

5. OUT OF BOUNDS: Marked by white stakes, white lines, property boundaries, fences, and all roadways bordering the golf course. When both white lines and any other items mentioned above are used to indicate out of bounds those items identify out of bounds, while the lines define out of bounds. The line itself is out of bounds. A ball is out of bounds when it lies completely out of bounds.

6. Tall Grass (No Mow): Any ball hit into the tall grass, please play a provisional ball to help with the pace of play.

7. GROUND UNDER REPAIR: Defined by white circles. Take nearest relief no closer to the hole. The cart path extensions are considered ground under repair but are not defined.

8. ALL groups are expected to play at a reasonable pace.

9. TIES: Ties will be decided by a card back from #1 handicap hole.

10. Rules Committee: Head Pro, Assistant & ICGA Committee.